Friday, October 17, 2008

Trevor Surgery Updates

So I just spent the morning with Trevor while he was getting his surgery (previously mentioned here). The doctor called it a hernia repair, as opposed to the Hydrocele, but whatever, it's done now. He did fine, was a bit cranky when he first got out of surgery, but I rocked him to sleep in my arms so he could sleep off some of the anesthesia and he was happier by the time Dorothy got to the hospital to pick him up.

Now we just have to watch him the rest of the day as he will have jello for legs and will probably be achy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pure Accident

A picture is worth a 1000 words, but this should be shorter than that.

Foe a while now, the kids have been able to get themselves in and out of their Bumbo chair... This is relavant, so keep reading.

About a week ago, my mom and Dorothy were talking about potty training the kids and it was mentioned that we would have to take away the Bumbo chair when we did because the kids would probably confuse it with their potty seats.

Fast forward to this evening... Charlotte has been a bit rashy lately and we decided to give her some "free" time to help air things out after dinner. She spent probably an hour playing and crawling around without incident. Then she sat in the Bumbo for a bit and when decided it was time to get them ready for bed, she was first because of her "free" state.

The above picture is what we found in the chair. An hour of playing and nothing on the carpet or blankets or anything.

Just in the chair.

Our first sucessful potty training.
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